I had the pleasure today of doing several new things in Aviation today!
1) Install a portable hand control for use in Cessna 172 and 177
2) Fly a new single engine piston in the left seat, Cessna 172
3) Land C172 in cross wind (within limits) using my right hand to control the rudder AND the throttle, with my right hand on the control column.
4) Fly at night with a flying instructor, start of the night rating.
It was our first time fitting and adjusting the portable hand control to fit the C172. We had engineers, flying instructors and me…it took just over an hour to get the unit adjusted to fit properly and make sure that full left and right rudder was achievable with differential braking and full braking. Once all this was ascertained, it really only takes 16 minutes for me to fit the controls and perhaps 4 minutes to take them off.
The engineers fitted the unit this time before i went flying. i had to know how to fit them and so did the flying instructors that are going to use them for other students with a disability. Next week, a CAA person is coming to watch us fit it so that we can be approved to install them without the need for engineers, well that i suppose that is the point.
After the flight i was thrilled to be free to fly anywhere in a c172 with my own controls. how cool is that..well these controls can also be used by other people who need a hand control and wish for regular flying from good airfield. Get in touch to organise a time to fly – well check the weather first…
once finished with pack it up and off we go.the pedals are now free to be used by an able body pilot….happy landings gang.